Da Paws Place

Train iT!


Canine Performance at Da Paws Place

~Agility classes from puppies to adult competition~

PPTS-Performance Puppy Tricks n’ Skills:

This class is designed to develop body awareness skills as well as begin relationship skills. 
  • Balance work
  • Rear end awareness
  • Heel position
  • Stay training
  • Recall games
  • Target work and more
  • Tugging
Tricks for later Foundation:
  • Continue with PPTS skills and depending on dogs age the below skills will begin to be trained
  • Running, yes it’s a skill
  • Flat or low contact work begins
  • Jump work
  • 2x2 weave pole training
  • Flat work, basic turns

This class is for dogs moving on from the above classes as well as dogs that will benefit from stronger behaviors on specific obstacles. 

  • Continue with excellent obstacle performance
  • Begin short sequences
  • Jump work continues and additional skills developed
  • Discuss ring preparation, physical and mental management to assist you.